Friday, November 13, 2009

It is Done

Yesterday, November 12, 2009, I endured what I hope to be my very last chemotherapy. It was rather an emotional day for me, because I know that everything that has been done up to this point is the clear line....It either works, or it doesn't. I believe very strongly that for me, this route I've taken with the assistance of fine doctors and nurses was the best route for my cancer and that I will come out on top as a survivor who can help other women.

As I've said many times before, my faith is stronger than ever and I trust that the Lord will see fit that my journey has many more years to play out. I know how hard this has been on me, and my children, my family, and friends. I thank every single one of you for standing by me, in darkness and in light. Without you, I don't know what I would have done.

There are still more surgeries to go, tests to take and tons of follow ups, all of which I pray will be fine. I will continue to post my story here because even though the chemo has ended my journey continues. And not just for me, but for all women out there who endure this disease, and for those who have lost their lives to it.

I am committed to breast cancer, just as it has committed to me and it HAS changed my life monumentally. Just because I am declared "cancer free" does not mean I will let this go - I will continue to support causes that support breast cancer research and I will write, and I will blog, and I will preach about it. Please be patient with me if I bore you - my goal is to help save lives....God willing, I hope that one day, breast cancer will be defeated.

Today, one day out from my last treatment, I feel hope. I feel ill, but I feel so much hope for the future. Wow - it is a good day!


  1. Congratulations! It must feel so good to have this phase of treatment behind you. Now you can really concentrate on recovery. And, growing your hair back - yay!

  2. Debbie Loveday-KarnerNovember 13, 2009 at 4:47 PM

    Continue to "Fight Like A Girl"! God Bless you! :)

  3. So glad to hear that the treatments are over, and I know God willing they have done their job; just as you have been strong!!! Love and prayers, Kathy

  4. Arla, that is wonderful news. I pray that the chemo has done it's job and you will be cancer free for the rest of your long life. You are such a trooper and I will continue to pray for your recovery and negative tests results.......... HIP HIP HOORAY!!!
    Stay Strong my friend...

    Your Friend, Donna Nero

  5. Arla,

    I hope whatever it is that you contacted over the weekend does not set you back any more. Now that you are over having bloodwork and chest X-Rays done at the hospital per Dr. Anciros orders, you shall find out soon. I will wait for your call since I cannot get close to you at this time because of the cold I came down with on Friday, too. I will Pray that you get through this as quickly as the other 3 treatments! I Love You Little Sister!

